I had friends who dealt with politicians, because of their dad's work. One told me about being at a convention, a becoming well known, young - but married - politician hitting on her pretty hard. She managed to get away but could tell he was ticked off. Then he showed up at a meet and greet her father was giving, and her dad was no nobody. As the politician went to shake her dad's hand, her dad introduced her and the guy blanched. Satisfying.

I had to deal with the jerks in my dad's industry. Once a year he'd host a party during market week. I didn't tell my dad about what they said to me, tried to do. I know how ashamed and guilty he would feel having me exposed to that, maybe to the point of quitting. I would quickly walk the room, say hello, then rush to my room. I learned to lock the door because some would try catching me there. Years after my dad died, I was on lunch break at a diner. Two guys, probably father and son, began hitting on me. I studied them a minute, then asked if they were in my dad's particular industry. They were surprised, said yes, asked how I knew. It turned out they'd known my dad. I said I knew their type: sleazy jerks who hit on their host's children. Then I left. How are such still around, and doing well, in society, in government?!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Moments after Joe Biden announced his retirement and Kamala was the presumptive candidate, I posted on all my social media that I would not accept seeing any memes in my feed that were misogynistic or racist. I reminded everyone that they were supposed to be my family or friend and since I was a woman who had moved up the ladder of success experiencing comments about my dress, figure, face, personal relationships etc.. AND my SIL and grandson were both Asian. I would take these memes personally and would cut them out of my life. period. One male friend of little time who I never actually met, unfriended me right away. Another male who I have been friends with for 35 years unfriended me and un followed me. Finally, another male -- one of my own cousins -- who I have known since the day I was born, posted a meme about how Kamala was obviously a DEI hire and she got there by an affair with someone. I commented and asked him PLEASE to not disparage her (and by extension me) since I had gone through much of that , my daughter had also experienced it as she climbed the ladder and reminded him that my grandson WAS Asian. Some random mad grabbed on to what I said and began berating me for my thoughts (I live in Oklahoma, THE reddest state). I responded, respectfully. Then, my cousin, who I spent all summers and holidays with for decades, told me not to question him or the man who had been arguing with me as "he was a veteran" and should be respected. That's when my daughter ripped both of them-- challenging the "all veterans are heros trope" and telling my cousin that he had a daughter, grand daughter, nieces (like her) AND her husband was ASIAN!! Told him to grow up and DO BETTER. I was very proud of her and was about to say so when he unfriended us both. I'm good with all three people who left my life but wow -- I'm surprised it was all men and it happened so quickly. Generally speaking, there are going to be many men who are too small to change.

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