"do the people who need community most have the hardest time accessing it? How do you attract good people when you are in a bad place? How do you create community for yourself when you are in the shits and everything you touch sloughs off into dust."

Yes. This. Exactly.

I study and practice a discipline of the Tarot called Soul Tarot and for us, the 3 of Cups represents Sacred Community and often comes up when that is potential medicine for one's struggles. Over the past few years, it's come up a lot for me, and I'm always like "I know I need it. I want it. But where? How?" So thank you for voicing this so eloquently.

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Cooking isn't my thing. But your writing and insight have their own type of pleasing aroma which draws me into what you do. I do have people close to me for whom cooking IS their thing, and I'm going to tell them where they can find some noodles with three exclamation points.

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