This is a perfect description of life on and off Vyvanse! I took it for a couple of months, and I also discovered I had to do it only on days that I wanted to really get things done. I found that if I took it on a day when I didn't have much to do, I would feel murderous anger rising up in me at the fact that there were no Pac Man dots for me to chomp. So I'd chomp my husband's head off instead. Another thing about me is that I'm addicted to the taste and ritual of really good black coffee. The dynamic duo was too much to bear. I gave up the meds and now I treat my coffee the way that you treat the Vyvanse... I have days I don't indulge, and other days I just binge and chomp.

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This was lovely to read.

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Hi Nell. Welcome! And thank you.

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Wow, this is so validating and lovely. Thank you!

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Jan 2
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lol. unfortunately, not much downside. Except beng dependent on another checmical. The addict in all of us is super attracted. :)

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