Kim: This idea of not being able to choose what we eat is elusive to so many of us who don't have to queue up. Thanks for hanging it out to dry, challenging us to take a whiff.

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As always, I learned a lot from you today, Kim. Thank you. I’ll be sharing this with some people I know who run food banks.

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I finally had time to read this. I'll read it again, and share it. Our nation is failing too many of its citizens, while propping up the wealthiest - people and corporations. A friend has $9 in her account right now, and is going to food banks. She cannot eat peanuts and peanut butter. She has other sensitivities. I talked with another friend, who slipped a grocery store gift card under the door. I'll be doing the same soon enough but it hurts my heart. I remember talking with a worker at a food bank, who told me about an old man calling, saying he was either gonna sell his gun so he could buy some food, or use it. The worker spent an hour on the phone with him, talking him down, getting someone over to him. She was exhausted from the suicidal calls. We must do better. I must do better. Thank you.

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Well Said Kim!

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Perfectly put as usual. Thank you.

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