Well, shoot, just went to donate and see it's closed. Thank you for the writing, and getting something right done for Johnnie. I have friends in similar situations. I've known homeless like that too. Johnnie's situation is why, on the 2023 Prosperity Index, the U.S. ranks 19th overall out of 167 nations. We rank 69 in Safety and Security. Amazingly, we rank 29th in Living Conditions - but is that really worth bragging about? No one can say we're number one. We need to work on what our goals are and changing the current ones. Everybody is important, equally.

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wish i could give more, but hopefully with a lot of people giving a little we can still get the job done! wishing all the best for Johnnie & her sweet cats. thank you Kim ♥️

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Thank you for highlighting and amplifying the stories of so many that some would love to leave behind.

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This is a heartbreaking story. It feels like Krogers wants to keep their employees down and out. It's SO horrifically unfair and cruel.

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Thank you for doing this. I was so happy to join the KimFosterTeam and donate! Personally, I believe there is less of a chance that Johnnie would have been taken advantage of by housing and Kroger if she were a male in the same situation. But what do I know? I'm just glad to help out -- Kelli

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This infuriates me to no end that they can’t get the hours they need just to make enough. Not savings, but enough. It should be illegal to stack employing lots of people with sub-full-time work hours. State DLT’s have enabled these practices. There’s way too many Johnny’s out there.

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"...shouldn't we all have peace of fucking mind money?" Yes, Kim, we absofuckinglutely should. Thank you for doing the right thing and setting up the GFM. Brava. What a beautiful soul Jonnie is, and you too. XO

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