May 31Liked by Kim Foster

My take aways are many. But, the sheer moments of brilliance in your writing gets me everytime. This time it was, “At the intersection of death and irrelevance.” This is writing at its finest. I have many, maybe more important things to focus on from this. But , for now that was my fixation.❤️

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Thank you, Nichole. As always I value your opinions because you are on the ground at school. And.... I am at the "intersection of death and ireelevance." LOL

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May 31Liked by Kim Foster

You’ll be a wonderful CASA. A friend of mine is one here in Kentucky. This is a hard but good read. Appreciate seeing the boundaries you set for your son.

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Thank you, Hannah!!!

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May 30Liked by Kim Foster

I’m a CASA here in Vegas and commented on one of your posts awhile back and am so glad that you signed up to become a CASA. Hooray! We are so excited to have you. It will break your heart - sometimes in a good way. Now we just have to get you to move your foster license to SAFY. ❤️

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Amy! lets grab a coffee after I get sworn in! Love to meet you and hear your thoughts about the gig.

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May 31Liked by Kim Foster

Would love to!

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This is a difficult but thoughtful read. And, having so recently shared a plate of dragon roll with your son, I am drawn in even farther.

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Thank you, Michael! I loved that we got together. You were so sweet with the kids. I'll DM you.

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Please don't spread that around-- it would absolutely *ruin* my reputation.

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sssssh. I'm telling everything you were a huge asshole and completely entertaining but shit wth kids.

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Much better. Thank you!

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Kim, congratulations on your CASA appointment. If there is anyone suited for this work, it's you. When you question should you get involved? Do you contact Coolio‘s parents? etc. I think these are questions many of us ask ourselves. How far are we willing to invest our time and energy? Obviously, you’re already involved and are doing your best. The way you extend yourself and reach out to help others is nothing short of epic. I’m so glad to hear that Johnny is considering an RV. What a fabulous solution for her security and future. Thanks for all your good citizenship. Happy Sunday morning! 🙌🏻

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